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Contact Us


Physical Address:
975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
Moscow, ID 83844-1138

Phone: 208-885-8981

Fax: 208-885-5534

Email: cnr@azarnewsonline.com

Web: 自然资源学院


Academic Standing

You will receive an email from the Registrar’s office stating that you have an important message in VandalWeb.

You will have access to a detailed letter from the Registrar explaining what paper work must be completed. This includes an Academic Plan and a paper reflecting your performance from last term and new strategies to become more successful in the coming semester.

Contact your advisor to make an appointment to meet to discuss your academic plan.

Students on probation have a “probation hold” placed on their VandalWeb account. 学生将无法添加, drop or change classes until the Academic Plan and essay have been discussed with the student’s advisor. 在那次会议上,缓刑将被解除.

Academic Standing Regulations: Please review Regulation L (Academic Standing, Probation, Disqualification and Reinstatement) in the University of Idaho General Catalog


如果你的累积平均绩点低于2分.你将被留校察看. Probation is a serious matter and you are required to meet with your advisor before the probation hold is removed from your VandalWeb account. 在与你的导师会面之前, you must complete and bring to the meeting an Academic Plan and write a 1-2 page paper for which:

  • You identify what you believe are the reasons for your poor academic performance;
  • You identify strategies you believes will be useful to improve your academic performance;
  • You specifically addresses how you will incorporate those strategies into your Academic Plan for the upcoming semester.

在试用期间,你需要定期与导师会面. 顾问可以转介给学术支持和访问, 数学辅助中心, Writing Center, 或者咨询和测试办公室, 作为365滚球官网提供的支持服务的例子. The Academic Plan form is available on the Registrar’s Web site under Forms, Academic Plan.

NOTE You may be invited to attend the Student Options Advising Retreat (SOAR) offered in January. 有关详细信息和注册信息,请参阅SOAR.


第一个资格: 如果不能得到最小值2.0 GPA for the semester you are on probation, you will be placed on academic disqualification. The University recommends on first academic disqualification you sit out one semester to help clarify academic and personal goals. 在休学一学期之后, 你可以在留校察看期间返回学校. However, if you believe your situation is such that you will be able to improve your academic performance without the one-semester leave, 你可以申请复学.

Note: The Registrar’s office will drop students from their next semester’s classes if those students on academic disqualification are not reinstated by the deadline.

复学过程: The process to petition for reinstatement from a first academic disqualification is the same process as for Academic Probation.

To be considered for academic reinstatement you must meet with your academic advisor. Prior to that meeting, you must fill out an Academic Plan and send it to your advisor. 该计划必须解决以下问题:

  1. Provide an honest, thoughtful explanation of the reasons for your disqualification and a realistic plan for correcting your status.
    • 你的学术目标是什么? Your personal goals?
    • List honest, specific reasons why you did not do well academically last semester (or when you were last enrolled) especially when you knew you were on academic probation.
    • What are the steps you have taken and will take to ensure this situation will not happen again?
    • 你从这次经历中学到了什么?
    • List campus resources that you will use to help reach your target academic goals.
    • Do you work? 如果是,你每周工作多少小时?
  2. 如果你的请愿没有通过,告诉我们你的计划是什么. 如果你下学期被要求休学,你会怎么做?
  3. 如果你能复职的话, you will be required to meet regularly with your advisor who will be monitoring your academic progress. 


It is difficult to be reinstated immediately following a second or third academic disqualification. The 自然资源学院 Petitions Committee generally requires any student on second or third academic disqualification  sit out at least a semester to evaluate your personal, academic, and career goals. The committee is more likely to approve your petition for reinstatement after you have used the semester leave from the University to take courses at a community college to prove to yourself and to the committee that you are academically, emotionally, 为在大学取得成功做好了身体上的准备.

To petition for academic reinstatement from a second or third academic disqualification, 与第一次被取消学术资格的程序相同(见上文).

第三次学历取消: You must successfully petition the CNR Academic Petitions Committee for reinstatement from a third academic disqualification before you can proceed to the next step in the process, which is to petition the University of Idaho Academic Petitions Committee for reinstatement to the University of Idaho. It will be the University of Idaho Academic Petitions Committee that makes the ultimate decision to reinstate you after the third academic disqualification. Petitioning the University of Idaho Petitions Committee for reinstatement is a separate petitions process. Contact the Student Support Center for the petition form and directions how to petition the University Academic Petitions Committee.

Contact Us


Physical Address:
975 W. 6th Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
Moscow, ID 83844-1138

Phone: 208-885-8981

Fax: 208-885-5534

Email: cnr@azarnewsonline.com

Web: 自然资源学院
