
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn开车

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321

Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620


电子邮件: uilaw@azarnewsonline.com

博伊西,ID 83702

博伊西,ID 83702



电子邮件: uilaw@azarnewsonline.com

From Humble Beginnings 到美国.S. 最高法院,校友路易斯·科尔特斯·罗梅罗找到成功的律师,这是个人的

路易斯·科尔特斯·罗梅罗 never dreamed he’d be sitting at the table in the U.S. 作为前副检察长西奥多·奥尔森法律团队的一员. In November 2019, with Luis by his side, Ted Olsen argued the case Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California 他们将决定50多万参与联邦DACA计划的无证移民的命运. A decision by the court is currently pending and it’s personal for Luis. His fate as a DACA recipient, himself, is in the hands of the court.

对路易斯来说,案件始于2017年,当时他在下午4点接到丹尼尔·拉米雷斯的电话.m. 在星期五的下午. 丹尼尔被ICE特工逮捕,他们认为他的航海纹身与帮派有关, an association that could jeopardize his DACA status. DACA 奥巴马政府是否实施了“童年来美暂缓遣返”政策,允许受助人留在美国.S. for two years at a time if they abide by the law. 丹尼尔已经给几个律师打了电话,他们要到下周一才能见面. 路易斯接了电话, went immediately to the detention facility, 后来在下级法院和第九巡回上诉法院成功地为丹尼尔辩护.

First-generation, out-of-state law student

Luis’ legal career began in 2010 at the 365滚球官网 法学院. 他是家里第一个从大学毕业的人,他的非法身份使他没有资格获得经济援助. 他以前去过爱达荷州,对他来说,在这里做一个州外的学生比在加州支付州内的学费要便宜得多, so he applied and was accepted to U of I. Luis used his savings and received 私人奖学金 支付他的学费. There wasn’t enough left to purchase books, so he studied in the library late at night when books were available.

在他的第一学期, 路易斯没有钱回家过感恩节,他被邀请到爱达荷州的一个同学家里. While enjoying the weekend, he noticed an L.A. 次 article that almost changed the course of his life. 这是关于一个法律毕业生,由于他的非法身份而不被允许参加律师考试. 路易斯立刻意识到,他可能无法参加律师资格考试,并按照他的计划执业. 他决定退学,并从朋友家打电话告诉他妈妈. A teen mom who brought her son 到美国.S. 在他一岁的时候,路易斯·科尔特斯·罗梅罗(路易斯·科尔特斯·罗梅罗)的母亲努力工作,为儿子提供更好的生活. 她坚持要他留在学校,不让他回家.

Luis had a very different background from his classmates at U of I, 但是他发现, even if they seemed ideologically opposed, he and his classmates had a lot in common. He quickly learned to not take anything personally. 他还注意到, even when people appear to be from similar backgrounds, they can have differing viewpoints. 他的一些同学是退伍军人,其他人来自不同的宗教和经济背景, which provided for thoughtful class discussions. 他的理由是,他们有三年的时间一起成为律师,他充分利用了每一个学习的机会.

Practical experience to complement classroom learning

While professors were shaping how he looked at and analyzed the law, 路易斯试图了解法律是如何应用于现实生活中的, 所以他去了 伊利诺伊大学法律诊所. The clinic allows third-year law students to represent clients, under attorney supervision and with a limited license, providing students the opportunity to take a case from intake to, 希望, 决议. 然而, as a first-year law student, 路易斯还不具备在诊所工作所需的法律知识, 于是他被拒之门外. 他毫不气馁,主动提出自愿花时间做诊所的归档和其他行政工作. 当诊所开始接待一位不会说英语的寻求庇护的客户时, Luis was able to serve as translator. 他亲眼目睹了律师对帮助人们过上更好生活的重要性. He also learned what he needed to do to represent clients in the clinic, so he signed up for Trial Advocacy class, 一个先决条件.

这门课的授课老师是执业律师蒂姆·格雷斯巴克(Tim Gresback),他的办公时间是早上5点.m. 在莫斯科咖啡馆 寰宇一号咖啡馆. Luis was the only student who showed up, week after week. 他们主要讨论庭审辩护,路易斯通过听蒂姆的庭审故事和诉讼策略,找到了一位意想不到的导师. 他们还讨论了当事情不如你所愿时如何处理案件, 这种情况有时会发生, and how to communicate the result with your client.

“Tim taught me how important it is to have empathy, always represent your clients’ best interests, and remember that it’s your job to make sure the legal system works,路易斯说。.

Trial Advocacy prepared Luis for working in the immigration clinic, 这让他有能力和信心与莫斯科律师凯茜·马布特一起做研究, writing letters and briefs, 和客户一起工作. Based on his law school experience, 路易斯建议法律系学生尽可能多地参加各种活动, from moot court to student groups to legal clinics to work experiences, even if they’re unconventional. 他还建议拥有不同的兴趣和幽默感,这将有助于你欣赏和热爱法律.

Bringing my 爷爷奶奶 到美国.S. was a love letter to my mom. 这是我感谢她在我生命中所做的许多事情的方式,包括成为一名律师.路易斯·科尔特斯·罗梅罗,13年

Bringing legal studies home

在路易斯大三的时候, DACA生效, 大大减轻了他的焦虑,并为他参加律师资格考试提供了机会, but not in Idaho as the state requires U.S. 公民身份. 他报名参加了DACA保护计划,并向政府提供了自己的信息, 包括一张照片, 指纹, and anything else they requested, 作为交换,他将获得一个社会安全号码,如果他循规蹈矩,还可以每两年更新一次. His own status, which he was unaware of until he was in 6th grade, helps Luis relate to his immigration clients. 最近,他通过五次尝试获得美国移民资格,证明了他对移民过程的坚持 爷爷奶奶 到美国.S. 他最终在2020年2月成功地为他们获得了访问签证,这是他们三十年来第一次与他的母亲和她的姐妹们团聚.

“Bringing my 爷爷奶奶 到美国.S. was a love letter to my mom,路易斯说。. “这是我感谢她在我生命中所做的许多事情的方式,包括成为一名律师.”

2020年,路易斯出于个人和职业原因,焦急地等待着最高法院的裁决. 路易斯在这个案子中扮演的角色比他想象的要重要得多, thanks to his detailed knowledge and experience with immigration law. 他卷入了一场美国的战争.S. 今天的最高法院案件, thanks to his unbreakable work ethic, dedicated mother and mentors, 365滚球官网的校友和朋友们为法学院的奖学金提供了资金支持.

路易斯·科尔特斯·罗梅罗 is managing partner at Immigrant Advocacy and Litigation Center, PLL,在西雅图.

First-Gen Law Students Scholarship Fund

A scholarship fund in honor of 路易斯·科尔特斯·罗梅罗, ’13, 是为了给来自少数族裔的第一代法学院学生提供奖学金支持而设立的吗.  “路易斯科尔特斯罗梅罗奖学金将支持那些致力于满足拉丁裔社区需求的学生,” said Director of 招生 Carole Wells, “and individuals who will continue to do so through pro bono, public interest and/or public service legal work.“如果你有兴趣为这个奖学金基金和其他捐赠机会提供支持, 联系Michele Bartlett, 电话:208-364-4044或 bartlett@azarnewsonline.com.

By Noelle Collins, Marketing & 通信管理器



Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn开车

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321

Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620


电子邮件: uilaw@azarnewsonline.com

博伊西,ID 83702

博伊西,ID 83702



电子邮件: uilaw@azarnewsonline.com