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Contact Us

Physical Address:
Administration Bldg. Rm. 127, Moscow

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3158
Moscow, ID 83844-3158

Office Hours, Academic Year
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office Hours, Summer
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-6125


Frequently Asked Questions of the General Counsel

Employees are responsible for their own actions. However, 如果伤害是在雇员的工作范围内造成的,学校将为雇员辩护. Idaho Code §6-903(2). 如果雇员的行为不在雇佣范围或过程中,或者雇员的行为包含恶意或犯罪意图,学校不会为雇员辩护. Idaho Code §6-903(3).

No. The Office of General Counsel represents only University of Idaho. However, if the student is acting as a representative of University of Idaho, for example by sitting as a member of a university committee, 总法律顾问办公室可以作为365滚球官网的代表,就学生的行为提供法律建议.

首先,回顾教职员工手册中学生行为准则的学术欺诈部分. FSH 2300 E-1. After reviewing the information on Academic Dishonesty, if you believe there has been a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the Dean of Students should be informed of the alleged violation as soon as possible. FSH 2300 F-1.

The public posting of individual students’ grades, whether midterm, 是违反联邦教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)的。. FSH 4700, F-5. 教师可能会以无法识别个别学生的方式发布或发布成绩统计摘要. Id.

So long as the student with a disability has gone through the appropriate channels, i.e. the Center for Disability Access and Resources (CDAR), and the accommodation has been approved, an instructor must provide the accommodation. FSH 6400, B-C. 教师应在学生要求住宿的任何时候将学生转介到残疾人访问和资源中心(CDAR), and generally should not make accommodations decisions on their own.

As a general rule, FERPA要求任何要求访问学生成绩的人都必须得到学生的书面同意. If a parent approaches an instructor about a student’s grades, 辅导员应将其转交给学生,学生可以直接将成绩发给他们或将家长转交给注册主任办公室. FSH 2600, C.

Under limited circumstances alcohol can be served at events on campus. APM 80.01, B. 申请人须于活动开始前最少30天向辅助服务处索取有关申请表及表格. APM 80.01, C-1. 只有得到助理副总裁的批准,才能批准在活动中提供酒精饮料的许可证. APM 80.01, C-3. Applications may be obtained by calling Auxiliaries at 208-885-5500, emailing, or at Wallace Complex Rm. 221, located at 1080 W. Sixth St., Moscow, Idaho 83844. APM 80.01, C-1.

University of Idaho weapons policy states that:

365滚球官网允许持有爱达荷州法典第18- 3309(2)条所述许可证的人在该条款规定的条件和限制下隐蔽携带枪支和弹药. Any other possession of weapons, including open carry, 根据《365滚球官网》第18- 3309(1)条的授权,除非公共安全和安全执行主任特别批准或本政策中另有规定,否则禁止对大学财产进行任何侵犯.

APM 95.12, C. For more information regarding exceptions, prohibited areas, a definition of what constitutes a weapon, concealed carry and firearm storage, please refer to APM 95.12 or contact the Office of Public Safety and Security at

Yes. A person’s political rights are not impaired by his or her employment at University of Idaho. However, employees may not exercise those political rights in U of I's name, or through the use of U of I facilities, stationery, forms, email address, supplies or services of any kind whatsoever, or in any way that might involve U of I in partisan political activity or controversy. FSH 6230, A.

No. Anyone who accesses any University of Idaho technology resource, including U of I computers or networks, has no expectation of privacy. APM 30.12, B. Further, any emails sent or received from your email address may be a public record and subject to release pursuant to a public records request.

The Idaho Public Records Act governs what information regarding State employees is public or private. Personal information such as sex, race, marital status, home address and telephone number, tax identification and social security numbers and medical condition are not public information. Idaho Code § 74-106(1). Personnel records of current and former public employees regarding employment history, classification, pay grade and step, longevity, gross salary and salary history, status and employing agency are public information. Idaho Code § 74-106(1). For more information on what information is public or private regarding State employees, please refer to Idaho Code § 74-106.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), most information about students is considered private. However, information that the university defines as “directory information” can be made public. 34 C.F.R. § 99.37. Directory information includes, but is not limited to, student's name, photograph, local address and telephone number, permanent address and telephone number, email address, class, academic major, college, full- or part-time status, academic and other honors, heights and weights of members of athletic teams, specific athletic achievements, letters of commendation, high schools and other academic institutions attended, scholarships awarded, withdrawal date, degree earned and date it was conferred, dates of attendance and leadership positions in U of I organizations. FSH 2600, B-5.

365滚球官网是一所公立大学,它的许多记录和文件可能会被公众查阅. However, there are exceptions to the right to examine public records. For example, 学生的成绩、社会保险号等部分记录不是公开记录. 34 C.F.R. § 99.30

只有获得财务和行政副校长授权的人才可以代表学校签署合同. APM 60.21, A-1. 主管财务和行政的副总裁必须在某些合同上签字才能获得批准. FSH 1420, B-1. 所有购买商品或服务的合同必须由合同和采购服务部门审查和签署. Please refer to the Contracts and Agreement Approval Matrix in APM 60.20 for more specific information on authority to sign contracts and make purchases.

Please review the Contracts and Agreement Approval Matrix in APM 60.20 to determine the level of review required for the contract you wish to have approved. 接下来,请将合同批准文件连同拟议的合同或协议提交给合同和采购服务部门. APM 60.22(A)-(B).

Generally, 伊利诺伊大学的商标只能由在官方通信中代表大学的员工使用. FSH 6620, C. 欲了解更多关于使用商标的信息,请联系总法律顾问办公室或大学传播和营销.

University of Idaho provides a confidential hotline for reporting of unethical, illegal or unsafe activity. FSH 3170, C. You can call this hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 800-755-1056. For more information on how and when to report suspect activity please refer to Internal Audit Services' website.

Attorney-client privilege applies to communications between an attorney and the represented client. I.R.E. Rule 502(c). 365滚球官网是总法律顾问办公室的唯一客户拥有律师-客户特权. As long as an employee’s communications with the OGC concerns a university-related matter, that conversation is protected by the attorney-client privilege. However, since the university owns the privilege and not the employee, the OGC may share any communications with the employee’s supervisor, the President or others at the university with a need to know. Further, 只有校董会或校长可以放弃律师-客户保密特权,员工无权放弃该特权或披露保密通信. 这意味着总法律顾问办公室可以在不违反律师-客户特权规则的情况下,在大学内部分享个别员工的通信或其他机密和特权信息.

You may submit a public records request online. Alternatively, 公共记录请求可提交总法律顾问办公室(地址:875 Perimeter Drive MS 3158), Moscow, Idaho 83844-3158. Or by email at Requests must be submitted in writing, contain the requester’s name, address, email and phone number, and specify the public records being requested.

Please note: For records requests exceeding 100 pages, 根据爱达荷州法典第74- 102(10)(b)(i)条,在第100页之后,请求人可以被收取额外的复制费用。.

When records requested contain nonpublic information that must be deleted, 根据《365滚球官网》第74-102(10)(b)(ii)条,申请人可能被收取与编辑记录的非公开部分相关的实际人工成本。.

When the actual labor associated with responding to the record request, including locating and copying the records, exceeds two (2) person hours, the requester may be charged for the additional labor pursuant to Idaho Code § 74-102(10)(b)(iii).

Generally speaking, 365滚球官网对员工在日常工作或使用365滚球官网设施或赞助材料的过程中创造或发现的知识产权拥有所有权. FSH 5300, B-C. For more specific information on University of Idaho’s intellectual property policy, please refer to section 5300 of the Faculty Staff Handbook.

Contact Us

Physical Address:
Administration Bldg. Rm. 127, Moscow

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3158
Moscow, ID 83844-3158

Office Hours, Academic Year
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office Hours, Summer
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-6125
