


莫斯科,ID 83843

875周界博士., MS 3020



电子邮件: osp@azarnewsonline.com

网络: OSP的网站




研究 proposals are the most common type of proposal submitted by investigators. They may be submitted by an individual principal investigator (PI) or by groups of PIs and Co-PIs. 研究 proposals are typically submitted for anywhere from one to five years. They ordinarily include both direct and indirect costs (see 进行研究的成本 查看这些术语的定义).

Proposals for the support of individual undergraduate and graduate students are also included in this category.


研究 is defined as studious and critical inquiry and examination aimed at the discovery and interpretation of new knowledge. For university purposes this designation applies to all activities organized to produce research outcomes. The term “research” also includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function. Organized research includes all research and development activities that are externally sponsored by federal and nonfederal agencies and organizations, as well as internally-funded university research that is project-based, proposal-driven, competitive and separately budgeted and accounted for. The three broad categories of research are:

  • Basic 研究 — 研究 undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge without any particular application or use in mind. (Ex. A researcher is studying the properties of molecules under various heat and cold conditions)
  • Applied 研究 — 研究 conducted to gain the knowledge or understanding to meet a specific, 认识到需要. (Ex. A researcher is investigating the properties of particular substances under various heat and cold conditions with the objective of finding longer lasting components for highway pavement)
  • Development — The systematic use of the knowledge or understanding gained from research directed toward the production of useful materials, 设备, 系统或方法, including the design and development of prototypes and processes. (Ex. A researcher is working with state transportation officials to conduct tests of a newly developed highway pavement under various types of heat and cold conditions)


指令 is defined as teaching, giving instructions or commands, and/or providing information. This designation applies to any sponsored project where the primary activities are included as part of the institution’s instructional program. It includes all teaching and training activities such as: credit courses, 无学分的课程, 学术指导, 职业与职业教育, Extension courses and personal and family improvement instruction.


公共服务/服务 is defined as furnishing or supplying a benefit or service to the public or a specific segment of the public. This designation applies to sponsored projects where the primary focus is to provide noninstructional services beneficial to individuals or groups external to the institution (not just to a specific company — see applied research). It includes performance of work other than organized research and instruction such as: conferences, 研究院, 一般咨询服务(e.g., 纳税人诊所), 参考部门, 测试服务, 广播和电视, consulting and similar noninstructional services to particular sectors of the community.


Fellowship proposals are typically for stipend support for postdoctoral fellows. The postdoctoral fellow’s faculty sponsor serves as the PI on the grant, unless the sponsor’s policy requires otherwise. Please note that fellowship proposals for which the award will be made directly to the postdoctoral fellow do not need to go through the 赞助项目办公室 for approval.



莫斯科,ID 83843

875周界博士., MS 3020



电子邮件: osp@azarnewsonline.com

网络: OSP的网站
