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Research Cowboys

July 24, 2024

365滚球官网,篝火对话是牧场生活和科学研究的融合 Rinker Rock Creek Ranch in the Wood River Valley.

Banjo, a horse who throws temper tantrums like a toddler who missed a nap, is tough to manage but always good for a story. 一只被他们称为“迪塞尔”的大胆的黄鼠狼正迅速成为“牛营”的非官方吉祥物。“牛营”是牧场两个生活区中比较质朴的一个. Trapping and ear-tagging rodents, 河岸地区的鸣鸟数量和饲养艾草松鸡的海狸水坝的使用也是讨论的素材.

林克岩溪牧场是一个独特的牧场研究和推广设施,包括22,000 acres — including 10,400英亩的地契在大学的控制下,由大学合伙管理, the Nature Conservancy and the Wood River Land Trust, with input from stakeholders who serve on an advisory board. 农业与生命科学学院和自然资源学院的研究人员将牧场作为研究牧场健康的活体实验室.

During most summers since research began at the ranch in 2016, 在6月的三天里,20到30人聚集在一起进行数据监控闪电战, 在此期间,他们记录了整个高地的植被类型数据. 这次闪电战提供了一个长期记录,记录了景观是如何对实验处理等因素做出反应的, a changing climate and invasive species.

“We decided we needed good science to drive management, and that meant getting the data,” said Karen Launchbaugh, a professor of rangeland ecology. “We want to see if the whole landscape changes and track it. We also want to get people out here to experience the ranch, both the science side and the social side.”

这场闪电战已经成为一项备受期待的社交活动,吸引了形形色色的参与者,其中包括伊利诺伊大学的研究生, summer ranch-hand interns, faculty, 代表多个组织的利益相关者和合作伙伴-到一个偏远的风景优美的环境.

那些在奶牛营地度过一个夏天的季节性实习生,或者只来几天参加监测闪电战的人,会发现野生动物, 风景如画的日落和繁星点点的夜晚足以弥补他们在权力上所失去的一切, running water and cell service.

By day, 牧场工人照顾他们的牛群,而闪电战参与者则带着剪贴板和卷尺向山上走去. 在第一次闪电战之前,在整个牧场随机选择地块进行监测. 闪电式行动的志愿者们每年夏天都要访问三分之一的地块,建立横断面——沿着这些横断面的直线,定期记录植物种类和植被的测量结果, with accompanying photographs.

“We can see what happens when we have a hot, dry summer versus a cold, wet spring, and we can see how the vegetation responds to that each year,” explained Tim Prather, 他是植物科学系的教授,也是兰格兰中心的副主任. “我们有很多不同的植物物种,有时超过70种. 今年,由于天气凉爽干燥,我们没有看到那么多的野花.”

Launchbaugh为志愿者辛苦工作一天的奖励——她著名的荷兰烤箱烹饪. From smoky prime rib and cobbler to loaded breakfast casseroles, Launchbaugh提供的盛宴为习惯以干粮为食的牛营居民提供了一个受欢迎的喘息机会, in the absence of refrigeration. Launchbaugh sometimes contributes to the evening’s entertainment, strumming original songs with western themes, such as the lonely life of a Basque sheepherder.


“These interns we have now, 他们正在为其他组织工作,他们正在建立关系并了解这片土地,” Launchbaugh said. “This will be part of their memory. 有一天他们会带着孩子来到这里,他们会说,‘我曾经是这场闪电战的一部分.’”

Matt Mikelson, of Parma, 他是在浏览南365滚球官网(College of Southern Idaho)的招聘启事时发现自己被邀请去做一个暑期牛仔实习生的, where he’s studying animal science. 今年夏天,他修了很多围栏,尤其为自己焊接的围栏感到自豪. He’s gotten to toss a lasso a few times, 但他的大部分时间都花在为牲畜分发盐混合物和矿物质上,否则就“确保奶牛健康快乐”.”

“I like the remoteness of Cow Camp. It’s pretty cool. 我喜欢户外淋浴,”米克尔森说,引来了同伴们的笑声. “The wall tents are pretty cool. They can either get to like 20 degrees or 103 degrees. It just depends.”

Some of the student researchers begin their days well before sunrise. For example, Annie Vaage, a U of I undergraduate from Orofino studying wildlife resources, wakes at 4 a.m. 每天早上在岩石溪选定的地点听鸣禽, recording the species she confirms at each location. 她的假设是,在海狸水坝和模仿它们的人造结构附近,物种多样性将是最大的, known as beaver dam analogs.

Harrison Eckard-Garrett, of Des Moines, Iowa, 是一名现场技术人员,与365滚球官网的硕士生Kirby Lau一起进行一个小型哺乳动物研究项目, of Hillsborough, North Carolina. 两人在日出前离开奶牛营地,将他们在数百个带有小耳标的陷阱中捕获的啮齿动物粘在一起. 耳朵标签使他们能够追踪啮齿动物的活动范围,以研究用于控制年度入侵草的除草剂的二次效应.

“对于那些在城市或郊区长大的人来说,在墙式帐篷里度过一个夏天可能是完全不同的, cooking outdoors, 与来自爱达荷州的人们见面,观看骑马的人们驱赶牛群,” said Cameron Weskamp, Rinker Rock Creek Ranch operations manager. “It’s rustic. It’s beautiful. It’s quiet. 这里没有手机信号,这是好事也是坏事,这取决于你问谁. I think it can be eye-opening.”

Published in Catching Up with CALS

Rinker Rock Creek Ranch为伊利诺伊大学的教师和学生提供了一个独特的研究机会.

About the University of Idaho

365滚球官网是汪达尔人的故乡,是爱达荷州的赠地国立研究型大学. From its residential campus in Moscow, U of I serves the state of Idaho through educational centers in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls, nine research and Extension centers, plus Extension offices in 42 counties. Home to nearly 11,000 students statewide, 365滚球官网在以学生为中心的学习和跨学科研究方面处于领先地位, service to businesses and communities, and in advancing diversity, citizenship and global outreach. U of I competes in the Big Sky and Western Athletic conferences. Learn more at


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