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4610 - Academic Scheduling


  • Position: University Registrar
  • Email:

Last updated: January 01, 2010


A-1. 每个学术单位每年向注册主任提交一份下一年拟开设的课程清单, 包括将被分配到的教师的姓名,时间和每个课程和部分所需的房间. 多部分服务课程的部分将分布在一系列的课堂上. 注册主任负责准备时间安排, 包括一般教室的分配.

A-2. 更改课程安排时间或教室的请求必须通过部门管理员和院长提交给注册主任批准. 每学期公布批准的变更.

A-3. During the regular semesters, daytime classes begin at 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, and 4:30; on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 课程可以安排为75分钟,从8点开始, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30.

B. CANCELLATION OF CLASSES. (See also D.在每学期或其他学期开始后尽快提交, departmental administrators should notify the registrar of all scheduled classes that are not being given; this will permit the reassignment of the room. Unless otherwise directed, 每所学院都有自己的政策,规定开设一门课程或某一部分课程所需的最低学生人数.

C. SPACE-UTILIZATION REPORTS. 在每学期开始后尽快完成, 院系管理员必须向注册主任报告所授课程的实际上课时间和地点, 包括那些已经安排在待安排基础上的活动.

D. DISMISSAL AND SHORTENING OF CLASSES. 全校范围内普遍的停课或缩短上课时间, for whatever reason, 需要事先得到教务委员会和校长的批准, except that, in emergencies, 校长可以停课或缩短上课时间, the president’s designee, or the Faculty Senate. 不得因政治人物的演讲或其他政治活动而普遍停课或缩短课程, 除非与专题讨论会或其他由UI官方单位或机构主办的活动有关, e.g.,博拉基金会委员会,然后只有预先批准上述要求. 下午两点半到五点,荣誉毕业典礼下课.m. 周五的家庭周末,得到了持续的批准.

E. CLASSROOM FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT. 每间教室的容量信息由注册主任维护,以帮助根据预计入学人数适当分配班级到房间. For this reason, 不应将影响房间额定容量的椅子或其他家具从一个房间移到另一个房间. 请向书记官长提出增加主席席位的请求,以便作出调整, if possible, 不会对其他职业产生不利影响. Classroom deficiencies, needed repairs, 使用教室的教练应向注册主任报告设备缺陷.

F. 由学生组织安排教室空间.

F-1. 与特定UI课程无关且不直接由学术部门赞助的学生组织, 在联系注册办公室寻找可能的教室空间之前,必须先在下议院或皮特曼中心找一间会议室. 只有当公共场所或皮特曼中心不能满足要求时,教室空间才会被保留.

F-2. 以学术为重点的学生组织可以要求在教室安排一次时间,无论是否有公共空间或皮特曼中心可用. 对于这些团体来说,先在公共场所或皮特曼中心寻找空间的要求被暂停. The definition of an ‘academically focused’ student organization includes the following: (a) students in the same curriculum that meet on a regular basis to explore issues and stage events directly related to their major course of study; (b) groups sponsored by an academic department where the curriculum is offered.

Version History

Amended January 2010. 更新教务委员会到教务委员会.

Amended July 2001. Added section F.

Amended June 1988. Added last sentence of subsection D.

Amended May 1980. Rewrote subsection A.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
