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  • 位置: 椅子
  • 名称: 科迪威廉姆斯
  • 电子邮件: staff-chair@azarnewsonline.com

最后更新: 2020年8月1日


D. Elections
F. 年度报告
G. 员工评议会会议
J. 议会的权力

A. NAME. 这个组织的名称是职工议会.


B-1. 一般. The purpose of 员工委员会 is to represent and advocate for board-appointed staff at the University of Idaho.

B-2. 具体的. 员工评议会的具体PURPOSE如下:

a. 组织或参加委员会, 根据需要, 研究问题, 问题, 福利, 员工的工作条件;

b. 就影响员工的事宜向大学行政部门提供意见, 包括代表工作人员提出建议;

c. To serve as a communication link between university administration and staff; and

d. 参与共享治理, 与教务委员会和/或大学管理部门合作, 制定或修改大学政策, 实践或标准, 并在其他直接影响员工的事项上提供建议.


C-1. 资格. 所有的全职, board-appointed employees at the University of Idaho who do not have faculty status are eligible to serve on 员工委员会. 员工委员会 members shall be released from normal work duties for the purpose of attending 员工委员会 meetings and performing related 员工委员会 responsibilities. 此释放时间不得从其累计休假中扣除.

C-2. 表示.

a. 选区. 以选出工作人员评议会成员, 员工分为两组:获豁免及分类.

b. 表示. Each constituency group is represented on 员工委员会 by one council member for every 50 group members or fraction thereof Efforts will be made to ensure state-wide representation.

c. 咨询小组. Representatives from administrative groups on campus may serve on staff council in an advisory capacity, 没有投票. 这个组可能包括, 但不限于, 人力资源部职员, 财务及行政司, 和教务院代表. 任何顾问成员须由职员评议会以多数票批准.

C-3. 术语. 职员评议会议员的任期为三年, 从新学年开学之日开始. 任何委员不得连任两届以上. 工作人员 wishing to serve for additional terms can be re-elected after an absence of at least one year.

C-4. 出席. 工作人员评议会成员应参加工作人员评议会会议和委员会. 请参阅工作人员理事会运作手册,了解成员期望的完整清单.

C-5. 职位空缺. 工作人员理事会的空缺职位将尽快填补. 有关空缺及Elections详情,请参阅第D节及操作手册.

C-6. 更改选区. 更改工作分类的职员委员会成员, 导致选民的改变, 可以完成他或她任期的剩余部分吗. Efforts will be made to balance the representation of constituencies in the following election.

D. Elections委员.

D-1. Elections日期. Elections of 员工委员会 members are conducted electronically (or by paper when required) and results are presented to 员工委员会 in the spring. 也可不断举行Elections,以填补出现的空缺职位. Those elected out of cycle will fill the position for the remainder of the year and start their three-year term at the next spring election. 他们不需要在春季Elections中当选.

D-2. 应用程序. 所有准职员评议会成员均须通过申请程序. 有关更多申请详情,请参阅职员议会运作手册.

D-3. 委员席位. Those elected by a majority vote are seated as 员工委员会 members at the first 员工委员会 meeting of the new academic year.


E-1. Elections及委任高级职员. 只有工作人员评议会的成员才有资格担任官员职位. 工作人员 council members must have been seated for at least one year to be eligible for chair and vice chair positions.

At the May regular meeting, 员工委员会 will hear comments from chair and vice chair candidates. 会议结束后,将向所有理事会成员发送电子选票. The chair and vice chair candidate with the most votes will begin their terms at the following June meeting. 新主席任命的官员任期相同. 高级职员的任期为一年.

E-2. 警察委员会. 人员委员会由下列人员组成. Detailed officer responsibilities and expectations can be found in the 员工委员会 operations manual.

a. 椅子.

1. 召集和主持员工议会会议.

2. 任命职员并领导职员委员会.

3. Coordinates and collaborates with the president or president’s designee, 教师参议院, and staff.

4. 为员工议会设定目标及执行优先措施.

5. 这个职位的人有津贴.

b. 副主席.

1. 在主席缺席的情况下,承担主席的职责.

2. Works closely with and attends 员工委员会-related meetings with the chair; prepares reports of recommendations on policy actions for presentation to the president.

3. 担任委员会主席, 召开特设委员会会议, assuring procedures are followed and that specific charges of each committee are carried out.

4. 这个职位的人有津贴.

c. 过去的椅子.

1. 协助员工议会内部的领导职责转移.

2. 是否被视为有表决权的职员评议会当然委员.

3. 最近一届主席无论任期届满与否,都将担任这一职务.

d. 秘书.

1. 保存职员议会所有会议的准确记录.

2. 安排出席会议并保持准确的花名册.

3. 与通讯干事合作.

4. 保存职员议会的电子记录.

5. 将年度报告和会议记录发送至UI库存档.

e. 财务主管. 准确记录员工议会的所有预算和财务事务.

f. 通信官.

1. 与大学传讯及市场部合作,维护教职员议会网站.

2. Collaborates with the secretary and officers to create communications for staff and 员工委员会.

3. 协调年度报告的编写.

g. 运营官.

1. 协调和操作工作人员理事会会议的技术.

2. 支持员工使用会议技术.

3. Maintains the 员工委员会 operations manual and ensures processes and operations are being carried out accordingly.

h. Elections官员.

1. Contacts Human 资源 to ensure accurate proportion of exempt and classified staff is represented on 员工委员会.

2. Recruits staff to apply for vacant 员工委员会 positions and confirms applicants’ eligibility.

3. 管理Elections选票并向当选工作人员报告结果, 职员议会及委员会之委员会.

i. 校外官.

1. 确保在官员会议期间考虑到现场以外的地点.

2. 协助Elections干事招聘人员以填补场外空缺.

3. 协助协调与员工相关的非现场活动.

4. 作为场外问题和关注的渠道.

E-3. 填补主任职位空缺.

a. 如果椅子的位置空出来了, 副主席在剩余任期内担任代理主席.

b. 如果有其他官员职位空缺, the chair will appoint a 员工委员会 member to become acting officer in that position for the remainder of the term.

F. 年度报告.

F-1. 年度报告. 工作人员理事会通讯干事将编写一份年度报告. 初步报告将在每年6月的会议上提交. The final copy of the Annual Report shall be submitted to the membership at the September meeting. 报告的副本将发送到UI库存档.

F-2. 贡献者. The report will be composed of year-end summaries from each of the officers and committee chairs.

F-3. 官方记录. 该年度报告将构成工作人员理事会当年的正式记录. The final copy will be kept in the yearly Official Record Notebook maintained by the secretary.

G. 员工评议会会议.

G-1. 定期会议. 职员议会每公历年至少举行六次例会. 职员议会指定定期开会的时间和地点. 可以使用远程会议技术召开会议.

a. 法定人数. 职工议会法定人数为当选有表决权委员的一半.

b. 议程. The chair is responsible for the preparation of the agenda and distributes it to the members of 员工委员会 at least one week before each regular meeting.

c. 考勤记录. 每次会议的记录都要列出出席和缺席的委员的NAME.

G-2. 紧急会议. Emergency meetings may be called when an issue pertinent to staff at the University of Idaho arises and requires an immediate 员工委员会 response.

a. 法定人数. 职员评议会的法定人数为有表决权的职员评议会成员的一半.

b. 召集会议. 主席或副主席可在24小时前通知召开紧急会议.

G-3. 全体会议. A meeting of the UI staff will be called when topics arise that impact all staff or general information is to be shared. The chair, vice chair, president or the president's designee may call a meeting at any time. 职员评议会主席主持职员会议.


H-1. 特设SUBCOMMITTEES. 将视需要任命特设委员会. 工作人员议会主席将为每个特设SUBCOMMITTEES任命一名主席.

H-2. 大学的委员会. 教职员评议会负责为大学各委员会提名教职员. FSH中的委员会目录 1640 contains the statements of the function and structure of each university-level standing committee. 操作手册中概述了程序.

I. FINANCES. 教职员委员会的财政将与大学的预算标准和结构保持一致. Annual budgets will be managed and coordinated through the university’s designee and 员工委员会’s treasurer.

J. 议会的权力. The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern 员工委员会 in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order 员工委员会 may adopt.

K. AMENDMENTS. 本附例可经职员议会多数成员投票予以修订. These bylaws and amendments thereto are subject to approval by the president of the university or the president’s designee. 以序列我.S.3.



2020年8月修订. Revised general purpose statement and specific purposes; removed specific procedures to a procedures manual; removed references to 工作人员 Affairs; clarified officer roles, Elections, 代表及委员会.

2016年7月修订. 教职员事务改为教职员议会.

2010年1月修订. 根据第三条和第九条修订了成员组成和SUBCOMMITTEES.

2008年7月修订. 工作人员事务委员会取消了SAC的缩写, 为反映目前的就业分类作出了修改, 校外工作人员在教职员事务中有常驻代表.

2007年1月修订. The bylaws were amended substantially to reflect some of the procedures, committee structure, etc., 2002年以来的变化.

2002年9月修订. 艺术. 我与艺术. 对第1节进行了修改,并做了一些小的编辑修改.



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