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E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332



电子邮件: calspubs@azarnewsonline.com




Black medic ( Medicago lupulina ) is an annual or short-lived perennial from Eurasia. It can be found in lawns, 牧场, rights-of-way and other marginal sites. 学习如何管理它...

大车前草(Plantago major L ..)

Broadleaf plantain is a hardy perennial weed that thrives in lawns, fields and 路边 and in other areas prone to trampling. Along with a profile description, this 爱达荷州绿拇指指南's...


牛头蓟是两年生植物, which means it typically takes two growing seasons to complete its life cycle. This video will introduce you to the life cycle of Bull thistle, how to identify it,...

Centrocoris volxemi—A Newly Introduced Idaho Insect

Centrocoris volxemi is an introduced non-native true bug (insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts) that has been expanding its known range in the United States since 2020 and Idaho the year after.

Chemical Weed Control in New Spring-Seeded Alfalfa

Weed management is one of the most important practices in alfalfa production, 特别是在新播种方面. This bulletin briefly discusses two chemical-based approaches: preemergence or preplant...

Effective Termination of 覆盖作物 before Planting Cash Crops

Because of legitimate concerns about weed potential, Idaho farmers often hesitate to plant cover crops, even though the practice improves soil health and fertility, 其他记录在案的好处.


Covers the biology, detection and management of this invasive 水生 plant. Includes illustrations and descriptions of similar species and estimated costs for various control options, 包括...


花灯心草是一种入侵物种, 水生, perennial weed listed as a "noxious" weed by the Idaho State Department of 农业 (ISDA). This fact sheet provides basic information on identification,...

Italian Ryegrass Management in Inland Pacific Northwest Dryland Cropping Systems

Widespread herbicide resistance in Italian ryegrass makes integrated weed management strategies difficult for this problematic weed. Learn about the multiple control methods and their combination...

Meadow Deathcamas in the Pacific Northwest

Found in all areas of the Pacific Northwest, meadow deathcamas (Toxicoscordion venenosum) is capable of killing livestock whether eaten as forage or in dried hay. 人类中毒已经...

Nightshade: Biology and Control in the Pacific Northwest

Covers nightshade distribution in the Pacific Northwest; identification of hairy, 黑色的, cultleaf and bittersweet nightshades; nightshade biology and toxicity; crop damage; and control practices...


Una mala hierba venenosa 'nociva,' la nuez blanca crece rápidamente y puede sofocar y matar a los árboles pequeños y arbustos. Aprenda sus características y cómo identificarla y controlarla en este...

Pacific Poison-oak and Western Poison-ivy: Identification and Management

Pacific poison-oak and western poison-ivy are both native to the Pacific Northwest. 这些植物的所有部分都含有漆酚, an oily toxin that can cause an allergic reaction of contact...

Pigweeds: Current and Emerging Weed Threats in the Pacific Northwest

Pigweed is an invasive plant pest usually found in disturbed areas, like farmland and along 路边 and fencelines. Because their aggressiveness can reduce crop yields, this PNW discusses how to...


With a spiny fruit capable of injuring hooves, 脚和车辆轮胎, growers from across the spectrum can learn to effectively manage this weed. 作者:Dale K. 惠利,罗伯特·帕克,里克...


Rush skeletonweed is an exotic herbaceous biennial or creeping perennial plant that aggressively infests rangeland, 耕地和受干扰地区. Along with explanations of management strategies,...

Russian Olive Trees: Control and Management in the Pacific Northwest

Russian olive trees are fast-growing plants that since the 1950s have become invasive throughout many areas of the Inland Pacific Northwest, 尤其是在河岸生态系统中. 它们形成...

Spotted Spurge (Chamaesyce maculata; Synonym: Euphorbia maculata)

Spotted spurge is a summer weed that grows close to the ground in sidewalk cracks, 路边, 花园或受干旱影响的草坪. Its presence can be helpful, because it often indicates an...

Western 水hemlock in the Pacific Northwest

Western waterhemlock ( xCicuta douglasii ) is the most poisonous plant in North America — a piece of root no larger than a walnut can kill a mature cow. 这种植物的每一部分都有毒. 帮助...


丰富的种子生产者, 野胡萝卜生长在草地上, 牧场, 在路边和非农区. A Class B noxious weed in Washington, the pest ruins cultivated carrot seed and possibly is...


E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332



电子邮件: calspubs@azarnewsonline.com
