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Contact Us

Idaho Student Union Building 301

Physical Address:
875 Line Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2535
Moscow, ID 83844-2535

Phone: 208-885-9442

Fax: 208-885-6944


Browse the Division Map

Idaho Student Union Building Room 302

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2535
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2535

Phone: 208-885-6331

Fax: 208-885-6944



Get Directions

Idaho Student Union Building Room 302

Physical Address:
875 Line Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2535
Moscow, ID 83844-2535

Phone: 208-885-6331

Fax: 208-885-6944


Browse the Division Map

Bruce M. Pitman Center, Third Floor

Physical Address:
709 Deakin Ave.
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4271
Moscow, ID 83844-4271

Phone: 208-885-7825

Fax: 208-885-2222


Browse the Division Map

Alternative Service Breaks

About the ASB Program

提供社区驱动的服务旅行,通过加强学生的同理心和目的来提高他们的教育体验, 并激励他们成为有道德和负责任的全球公民.

  • Service
  • Equity
  • Sustainability
  • Critical Reflection
  • Cultural Competence

我们设想我们的大学社区致力于和创造合作, positive, and sustainable social change.

Our programs are rooted in and guided by:

  • Fair Trade Learning
  • Asset-Based Community Development
  • Social Change Model
  • Critical Leadership Development

Fair Trade Learning:

志愿旅游行业在全国范围内迅速发展,尤其是在高等教育领域. 这些旅行通常侧重于人道主义和环境项目,目的是为有需要的社区服务. While they have the best of intentions, 对于志愿者旅游的错误,已经有了各种非常有效的批评和记录, service learning, and international development industries. 批评的焦点集中在志愿旅游可能导致新形式的殖民主义和依赖,以及可能剥削东道国(有时是非常脆弱的)社区. 这导致人们呼吁为志愿者旅游(少于4周的旅行)建立道德框架,以最大限度地提高主办社区和志愿者的利益, while reducing any potential and unintended harm. 这个已经出现的框架是:公平贸易学习. (Hartman, et al. 2014).

Fair Trade Learning core principles: mutually beneficial, community-driven, commitment, transparency, environmental sustainability & footprint reduction, economic sustainability, developing cultural competency, and global community building.

Resources on Fair Trade Learning:

  1. Campus Compact: Summary and Key Documents on FTL
  2. The Story Behind FTL
  3. Parody video on how NOT to do volunteer tourism

Asset-Based Community Development:

以资产为基础的社区发展(ABCD)是关于当地人民为他们社区的福祉而共同努力. ABCD主要是为集体目标建立行动关系, 组织团体和社区中的人们为共同利益而共同行动的途径. 重点是通过关系建立权力(有效行动的能力). How? 首先,ABCD是一种发现当地社区资产的方法,而不是关注社区的弱点和需求. 这种资产映射主要是人们以ABCD的名义所做的. 第二,也是更重要的一点,ABCD是动员当地社区与中心居民一起行动的“实践和原则”... not as outsiders. The community is the principal actor not the client. 居者居中,而非好心的志愿者旅游者. ABCD是一条组织社区伙伴关系的途径,为当地人民及其利益相关者团体找到了出路, connect, 并使为共同利益而工作的地方资产不断增长.

ABCD Resources:

  1. ABCD Overview PowerPoint
  2. ABCD DePaul Institute Handout
  3. ABDC Overview and Additional Resources
  4. DePaul ABCD Institute Took Kit
  5. Needs vs. Asset Mapping
  6. Asset Mapping Toolkit

Social Change Model:

Established in 1994, 社会变革模型将领导力视为一种有目的的行为, collaborative, 以价值观为基础的过程,导致积极的社会变革. The Model was built upon the following assumptions:

  • 领导力关心的是代表他人和社会影响变革
  • Leadership is collaborative
  • Leadership is a process rather than a position
  • Leadership should be value-based
  • 所有的学生(不仅仅是那些担任正式领导职务的学生)都是潜在的领导者
  • 服务是培养学生领导能力的有力工具

基于七个维度的领导力社会变革模型, or values, called the “Seven C’s”: consciousness of self, congruence, commitment, common purpose, controversy with civility, collaboration, and citizenship. 所有这七种价值观共同作用,以实现卓越的“C”变化.

Social Change Model Resources:

  1. Social Change Model Overview and Discussion Guide

Critical Leadership Development:

  • 中心领导作为一种社会过程值得以跨学科的方式进行社会科学考察
  • 提供理论和方法进行规范的社会过程的关键检查
  • 鼓励批判性领导的实践,超越对领导力研究缺陷的认识

Critical Leadership Development Resources:

  1. Introduction to Critical Leadership
  2. Dr. Dugan’s Article on Critical Leadership
  3. Dr. Dugan’s Critical Leadership Theory textbook

Types of ASB Trips Offered

Single-day ASB trips are offered on the Palouse. 始终免费,始终与社区合作伙伴提供优质服务.

Weekend ASB provides short-term, 身临其境的服务机会在五个小时的车程从莫斯科. 每学期出发三次,每次免费!

在冬季ASB的国际旅行中服务. 参与者在圣诞节假期后服务两周,然后返回校园开始春季学期. 参与者的费用通常为1,500美元,但可以获得奖学金.

春季ASB在三月春假期间为学生提供地区体验. 过去曾在爱达荷州、华盛顿州、俄勒冈州、蒙大拿州和怀俄明州服役. The cost for participants is typically $150.

夏季ASB将学生送到美国各地为有需要的社区服务. 参与者通常在春季毕业后的第一周或第二周服务,为期十天.

Support ASB

Since 2001, 365滚球官网已经派了数百名学生在课间休息时提供服务. 正是由于慷慨的捐赠,我们才能够为低收入家庭的学生提供奖学金,这样每个人都能参与到这个不可思议的机会中来. 也正是因为捐助者的慷慨,志愿服务中心才得以成立 & 社会行动在2017年建立了周末ASB计划. 如果您愿意捐款以帮助支持ASB计划及其奖学金, please click the button below.

Contact Us

Idaho Student Union Building 301

Physical Address:
875 Line Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2535
Moscow, ID 83844-2535

Phone: 208-885-9442

Fax: 208-885-6944


Browse the Division Map

Idaho Student Union Building Room 302

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2535
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2535

Phone: 208-885-6331

Fax: 208-885-6944



Get Directions

Idaho Student Union Building Room 302

Physical Address:
875 Line Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2535
Moscow, ID 83844-2535

Phone: 208-885-6331

Fax: 208-885-6944


Browse the Division Map

Bruce M. Pitman Center, Third Floor

Physical Address:
709 Deakin Ave.
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4271
Moscow, ID 83844-4271

Phone: 208-885-7825

Fax: 208-885-2222


Browse the Division Map
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