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面试是许多健康专业项目录取过程中的一个关键因素, 为项目和申请人提供确定他们是否“适合”对方的能力. 我们强烈建议申请人提前准备参加研讨会, practicing with friends/family/mentors, 安排一个个性化的模拟面试,参加学前健康专业课程. Current students and 校友 can 安排一次模拟面试 与健康前专业顾问就他们的健康前兴趣.



You may face a group of two to four interviewers.  The panel could consist of Admission’s Committee members, 教师, 卫生专业人员, 校友, and/or current students in the program.

This format typically consists of a series of seven to ten stations. At each station, students are given a limited amount of time (e.g. two minutes) to read a prompt, and then a limited amount of time (e.g. six to seven minutes) to respond.  提示通常是基于场景的,通常不复杂/不需要医学知识. 

Some schools interview a small cohort of applicants simultaneously. 在小组会议期间, 面试官可能会向应聘者提出一个假设的问题,并要求他们共同努力解决问题.

公开档案面试的面试官会查看你的档案,包括成绩, 入学考试成绩, 申请论文, 推荐信, 等.

在闭门采访中, 面试官要么在你的档案中什么也没看,要么只看你的个人陈述(或者在你的二次申请中有一篇文章)。. 封闭式面试的目的是消除档案中可能存在的任何偏见,并说明你如何给不了解你的人留下印象. 无论哪种情况, 确保你可以讨论你在初始和二次申请论文中所做的任何和所有评论.


  • You are the editor of Time magazine and it is December. 谁将成为你们的年度人物,谁将登上《365滚球官网》杂志的封面? 为什么是那个人? 
  • 什么是单峰骆驼? What is the difference between a camel and a dromedary?
  • Describe with words (not using your hands) how to tie your shoes.
  • If 你有世界上所有的钱用来解决医疗系统的问题, 你会解决什么问题? 如何?
  • 如果你能让一个人起死回生,请他共进晚餐,你会选谁, 你会为他们提供什么?

  • 说说你自己吧.
  • 你最大的缺点是什么?  What is your biggest blunder in life? 
  • What one word would your friends use to describe you?
  • What kind of leadership qualities do you have?
  • 如何 do you resolve conflict at work/home/ school?
  • What exposure to other cultures have you had?
  • What qualities do you look for in a healthcare provider? Can you provide an example of a (doctor/dentist/pharmacist, 等.),他体现了这些理想? 他们是怎么做到的? 
  • Tell me about your grades/MCAT/DAT/PCAT/GRE scores. Your scores dropped by ___ points the second time you took the test. 有什么原因吗?? 
  • What does it mean to be a professional?
  • What excites you about medicine/healthcare in general? 
  • Do you have any blemishes in your academic record? If so, what are they and why did they occur?

  • 你正在开会. In front of your peers and managers from other departments, your manager blames you for not doing well on a task. You believe that your manager is being unfair in his critique, 他可能在不了解全部情况的情况下仓促地得出了这个结论. You feel you are being treated unfairly in front of your colleagues, 我们担心你的声誉会受到这篇评论的影响. 你会怎么做? in this situation?
  • 如果你觉得你的组织/教育机构的政策伤害了员工/学生,你会如何尝试在这个过程中做出改变?
  • You disagree with the way your supervisor says to handle a problem. 你会怎么做??为什么 do you choose to handle the situation in that manner?
  • 担任团队领导的角色, 你发现一个团队成员在没有和你商量的情况下提出一个想法或抱怨一个问题. 如何 do you handle the situation?

  • Tell us about a time that you made a mistake.
  • Tell us about a time that you broke a rule.
  • Tell us about a time that you had to deliver bad news to someone.


  • 在面试之前,回顾一下你的申请和你提交给那个项目的所有论文. 准备好与你的申请讨论任何问题,比如入学考试分数低, 一个班级的低分, or inconsistent test scores and grades. Know what mistakes you have made and what you have learned from them.
  • 提前参观校园,了解面试的具体地点.
  • Do not underestimate the importance of appropriate interview attire.
  • 练习,练习,再练习. It is important to practice saying your answers out loud. 许多学生发现使用闪存卡很有帮助,卡片的一面是问题,另一面是你想要概述的要点.
  • 时间表 a 模拟面试 with a Pre-健康职业 Advisor. When scheduling your 模拟面试, 请说明这是要求会面的原因,并附上你在申请中提交给你面试的学校的任何相关文件.

  • 做好紧张的准备. 如果你认真对待面试,你会有些紧张和焦虑——这是正常的. 记住,其他人都很紧张,面试官也会考虑到这一点.
  • 如果有人问你一个你不知道答案的问题,就承认吧. Do not try to bluff your way through it.
  • The interviewer does not expect you to know everything about everything. 他们主要是想衡量你的思维过程,以及你在压力下和面对陌生环境时的反应.
  • If you start to "derail" during an answer, 停止, acknowledge that you have gotten off course, and then get yourself back on track. 这显示了自我意识, 这比继续坚持下去,希望面试官没有注意到要好得多
  • Make eye contact, face your interviewers, and do not fidget.
  • It is a good idea to bring a notepad/portfolio, but generally not a good idea to jot down extensive notes.


  • 面试官可能没有花时间看你的档案(或者没有看过你的档案), 所以不要说, "Like it says in my application…" 
  • If you do not understand the question, ask for a clarification. When asked a question that is totally unexpected, many students launch into an answer and quickly begin to ramble. Pause and organize your thoughts before speaking. 
  • 下面是一些你想要有条理、有逻辑地回答的问题:
    • 为什么 do you want to pursue a career as a...? 
    • 为什么 are you applying to this particular school? 
    • 考虑到大量高素质和令人印象深刻的学生申请我们的项目, 我们为什么要选择你?
    • Do you have any questions for us or questions about our program? (注意:确保你的问题是真实的,而不是通过快速的网络搜索轻易回答的)
    • What will you do if not admitted this cycle? 你的B计划是什么?
    • What do you see yourself doing in 5 or 10 years? 
    • 关于你,还有什么我们没有讨论过而我们应该知道的吗? Is there anything that you would like us to know about you? 

  • 反思一下你能从这个项目中学到什么,以及你是否仍然认为它适合你.
  • If the school has indicated it is appropriate to do so, you may wish to send hand-written thank you notes. 
  • 如果学校表示这样做是合适的,发送更新(学术,经验等).) relevant to your application so they can note it in your file.

Pre-健康职业 Program


Idaho Student Union Building, 3rd floor



