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Trademark and Licensing

莫斯科,ID 83843






365滚球官网(以下简称“我的大学”)致力于以符合其教育的社会责任和道德方式开展其商业事务, research and/or service mission, and to protecting and preserving the global environment. While U of I believes that Licensees share this commitment, 伊利诺伊大学采用了以下劳动法规标准(以下简称“法规”),要求所有被许可方, 至少, adhere to the principles set forth in the Code.

在本法典中,“被许可方”一词应包括已签订书面许可协议以生产带有以下名称的许可产品(定义见许可协议)的所有个人或实体, marks and indicia of U of I. The term Licensee shall for purposes of the Code, and unless otherwise specified in the Code, encompass all of Licensees contractors, subcontractors or manufacturers which produce, assemble or pack年龄 finished Licensed Products for the consumer.

作为获准生产和/或销售带有该名称的许可产品的条件, trademarks and/or im年龄s of U of I, each Licensee must comply with this Code. 如果U (I), 自行决定, determines that any Licensee has failed to comply with this Code, 则U of I可终止其与被许可方的业务关系和许可协议,或要求被许可方按照U of I可接受的条款实施纠正行动计划.  


持牌人同意经营工作场所,并与工作场所符合以下标准和做法的公司签订合同. 工作场所应定义为被许可方直接经营的所有生产和居住设施,或为被许可方生产产品的设施. U of I prefers that Licensees exceed these standards.


被许可方在开展与或涉及生产或销售带有该名称的许可产品或材料相关的业务时,必须遵守制造国/多个国家的所有适用法律要求, marks and indicia of U of I. 本守则与制造国/地区的法律有何不同或冲突, the higher standard shall prevail, subject to the following considerations. In countries 在哪里 law or practice conflicts with these labor standards, Licensees agree to consult with governmental, 人权, 劳工和商业组织,并采取有效行动,以达到完全符合这些标准. 被许可方进一步同意避免采取任何可能削弱这些劳工标准保护的行动.



Except in extraordinary circumstances, 员工不得(i)被要求工作超过(a)每周48小时和每周加班12小时两者中较小者, or (b) the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country of manufacture; and (ii) be entitled to at least one day off in every 7-day period.

All overtime employees must work hours voluntarily. In addition to their compensation for regular hours of work, 按小时和/或配额计酬的雇员应获得加班费,加班费按生产或生产国家法律规定的溢价率支付, in those countries 在哪里 such laws do not exist, at a rate at least one and one-half their regular hourly compensation rate.

The use of child labor is not permissible and will not be tolerated. Licensees shall not employ any person at an 年龄 younger than 15 (or 14, 在哪里, consistent with International Labor Organization practices for developing countries, the law of the country of manufacture allows such exception). 完成义务教育的年龄高于上述最低就业年龄标准的, the higher 年龄 for completing compulsory education shall apply to this section. Licensees agree to consult with governmental, 人权 and nongovernmental organizations and take reasonable steps, 由伊利诺伊大学或其指定人员评估,以尽量减少因实施本守则而对失业儿童的负面影响.

强迫劳动的使用, 监狱劳动, 契约劳动, bonded labor or other forced labor is not permissible and will not be tolerated.

  1. 被许可人必须为工人提供安全和健康的工作环境,以防止事故和伤害健康, 与, 或在工作过程中发生或由于被许可方设施的运营而导致的. In addition, Licensees must comply with the following provisions:

    1. 被许可方应确保其直接操作和任何分包商的操作符合生产设施所在国家政府制定的所有工作场所安全和健康法规.

    2. 被许可方应确保其直接经营者和分包商遵守生产设施所在国批准和通过的国际劳工组织(ILO)的所有健康和安全公约.

No person shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, 包括招聘, 工资, 好处, 进步, 纪律, termination or retirement, 以性别为基础, 比赛, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 国籍, 政治观点, or social or ethnic origin.

Every employee shall be treated with dignity and respect. 任何员工不得受到任何身体、性、心理或言语上的骚扰或虐待. Licensees will not use or tolerate any form of corporal punishment.

被许可人应承认并尊重雇员自由结社和集体谈判的权利. No employee shall be subject to harassment, 恐吓或报复在他们自由结社或集体谈判的努力. 被许可人不得阻止或与那些阻止工人为集体谈判而组织起来的人合作. Licensees shall allow union organizers free access to employees. Licensees shall recognize the union of the employees' choice.

Women workers will receive equal remuneration, 包括福利, 平等对待, equal evaluation of the quality of their work, and equal opportunity to fill all positions as male workers. 怀孕测试不会成为雇佣的条件,也不会要求雇员进行怀孕测试. Workers who take maternity leave will not face dismissal nor threat of dismissal, loss of seniority or deduction of w年龄s, and will be able to return to their former employment, 或者类似的职位, at the same rate of pay and 好处. Workers will not be forced or pressured to use cont比赛ption. Workers will not be exposed to hazards, 包括可能危及其安全(包括生殖健康)的胶水和溶剂. 被许可人应为怀孕女工提供适当的服务和住宿.

Licensees shall disclose to U of I or U of I’s licensing 年龄nt the information below.

  1. Manufacturers’ Information: Upon execution and renewal of the License Agreement, 在选择任何生产许可产品的新生产设施后, 或应要求, Licensee will disclose the company names, 联系人, 地址, 电话号码, 生产许可产品的所有此类设施的电子邮件地址和商业协会的性质;
  2. 验证:被许可方有责任确保其遵守本守则.


Trademark and Licensing

莫斯科,ID 83843


