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教育水平: 学士
平均绩点: 3.0
GRE考试: No
托福/雅思考试: 79/6.5
参考文献数量: 2
其他要求.: 是的,见下文


术语: 夏天
地点: 莫斯科和 临床基地
论文选择: Non-thesis
最后期限: See below (Other 需求)




运动训练(M)SAT) Specific

学士 coursework including:

  • Human Anatomy (4 credits)
  • Human Physiology (4 credits)
  • Biology (1 credit minimum)
  • Chemistry (1 credit minimum)
  • Physics (1 credit minimum)
  • Psychology (1 credit minimum)
  • Current First Aid and CPR (AHA or ARC)

需求可以通过独立的课程或课程的元素来满足. 例如, 生物力学课程的要求可以由参加了包含生物力学的运动机能学或运动解剖学课程的学生来完成. A review of syllabi may be requested.


Submit ALL application materials through the CAS网站.



  • 优先截止日期- 10月. 15. Phone interviews through mid-November.
  • 二次截止日期- 11月. 25. Phone interviews through mid-December.
  • 第三学期截止日期:二月. 15. Phone interviews in late February.
  • 国际 applications (must have all materials submitted) — Feb. 15.

所有在2月截止日期之后提交的申请人将被考虑参加最后一轮面试, pending space in the program, 四月的最后一周.

Applicants must have a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00在4上.00 grade scale equivalent to U.S. 学士学位. If your GPA meets the minimum admission requirements, 专业部门将决定你的总体学习成绩和考试成绩是否符合部门要求.

注意: If you do not meet the minimum 3.00 GPA, your application can be considered for admission if you:

  • Earned an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher for your last 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits.


  • Worked in the program specific profession for 5+ years. 
  • Obtained a letter of support from a faculty member in the department. 
  • 写一篇详细的陈述/文章,描述你的专业经历和在学术上取得成功的潜力

已取得获认可认可机构认可的学院或大学的学士学位, A教育部, or an official quality assurance organization in another country. The bachelor's degree should consist of four years of study, equivalent to 120 semester credit hours or 180 quarter hours.

所有参加的高等教育机构的正式学术记录是必需的. 这可能需要一些时间,所以在你的申请过程中尽早开始.

In the instance that official records cannot be obtained, unofficial records may be used to consider your application. 这些文件通常发给学生,并可能在进一步审查后被视为正式文件. 这适用于不可能取得正式记录的情况, and will be considered only on a case by case basis.


学生必须拥有由地区认证协会认可的学院或大学的学士学位. 如果学位来自一个被认可但不是地区认可的机构, 申请将由系和研究生院审查.


有关同等学历和按教育国家要求的学历证书的信息,请参阅网页, 使用 学位等同指引.

The 365滚球官网 recommends, and reserves the right to require, a professional credential evaluation by an outside, 独立的一方. Reasons for outside review include, 但不限于, verification of document authenticity, 潜在的转移学分和希望加快处理申请文件. 您有责任提供正确的学习成绩并支付评估服务费用. You will need to request a course-by-course evaluation. Transferring 国际ly earned credits requires a course-by-course professional credential evaluation.

The preferred provider of transcript evaluations is:





Our 机构 code for the TOEFL is 4843.

The following are acceptable as proof of English Language Proficiency:

  • 托福(英语作为外语考试):最低总分79分 
  • 雅思(国际英语语言测试系统):最低总分6分.5
  • MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery):最低总分77分
  • PTE A (Pearson Test of English Academic): Minimum overall score of 58
  • 美国语言大学 & Culture Program (ALCP) with score of a Level 6/Advanced Pass
  • U.S. Education Earned Bachelor, or higher, degree at accredited U.S. 机构
  • Duolingo English Test: Minimum Overall 110 (as of Spring 2024 admission, the minimum required score will be 115)

在英语为官方语言/母语的国家接受教育的申请人将自动获得这一要求的豁免. 欲了解更多信息,请 visit our English language countries page.


  • All tests must have been taken within two years of the semester.
  • Some graduate programs have a higher requirement. 如果是这样的话, you will need to take the TOEFL, 或同等测试, and obtain the higher score prior to be granted regular admission.
  • 一些研究生课程允许在学术上符合条件的申请人入学, but have not yet achieved U of I minimum English language requirements. 要查看信息和录取学生的项目列表, visit our international requirements webpage.

美国.S. 公民和移民服务局的规定要求每个学生在提交I-20或DS-2019表格以获得进入美国的签证之前,核实是否有资金支付教育和生活费用.S. 可以发出.


  • Certificate of Financial Responsibility Form
  • Financial Responsibility Statement
  • 申请人和所有随行家属的护照复印件,需要资格证书(I-20)
  • 如果目前在美国.S.,副本:
    • 签证
    • 当前I-20

移民法规要求持有F-1或J-1学生签证的国际学生在学年期间被认证为全日制学生. F-1研究生必须注册9个学分,并允许最多三个学分的在线课程来满足这一要求. J-1 visa holders are also required to enroll in nine credit hours, 但不允许参加在线课程以达到9个学分的要求.


所有目前在任何类型的机构(学院)持有F-1身份的学生, 大学, intensive English institute) in the U.S. 计划转学到365滚球官网的学生必须通过SEVIS完成转学程序吗.

SEVIS Record Transfer Request (PDF格式)


  1. Receive admission to the 365滚球官网
  2. Notify your current school of your intentions to transfer
  3. 完成此表格的第一部分(仅在您被录取并选择参加犹他大学之后)
  4. 在你目前就读的学校有国际学生顾问完成第二部分吗
  5. 在您和您当前的学校确定将您的SEVIS记录以电子方式发布到365滚球官网的日期之后, promptly return this form
  6. After the release date, the 365滚球官网 will produce an I-20

运动训练(M).S.A.T.) has a unique fee structure. These costs are not affected by Idaho Residency.

Scholarships available include:

For more details, contact the program (found above).

运动训练(M.S.A.T.) program requires submitting your application through 在中科院. 请使用以下链接进入在中科院网站并继续您的申请流程.

注意: 在中科院 is a separate entity, 因此,入学材料应按照他们的指示提交,而不是提交给365滚球官网研究生招生办公室.

» 访问 the 在中科院 application portal

Office of 研究生招生


莫斯科,ID 83843


875 Perimeter Drive MS 3019


电子邮件: graduateadmissions@azarnewsonline.com

网络: 更多联系信息

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